What’s a Real-Time Healthcare System?

Real-time healthcare system (RTHS) is an advanced care delivery structure that empowers healthcare delivery organizations (HDOs) with real-time information to achieve maximum patient satisfaction. It’s a culmination of IT strategies spread across healthcare departments. It’s designed to achieve quality outcomes at reduced costs in the long run.

The overarching vision of RTHS is to help HDOs move past the complexities of the digital era and align their resources to deliver value to patients, reaping the benefits of a more streamlined and efficient orchestration in the process.

Real-Time Healthcare System

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Essential RTHS Technologies 

RTHS is not a single software, but a combination of specific technologies that can shape the future of digital innovation in care delivery.

HDOs should welcome the infinite potential of RTHS technologies within the following areas:

  • Care Team Collaboration – Orchestrate rapid dissemination of information related to patient care.
  • Crisis/Emergency Management – Optimize critical event response by orchestrating task management, resources, communications, collaboration and data.
  • Patient Throughput and Capacity Management – Solve challenges within patient demand estimation, clinical workflow compliance, workflow bottlenecks and resource allocation.

Care Team Collaboration

Clinical communication platforms are robust, secure messaging solutions that integrate with existing clinical systems to enhance patient care. They incorporate secure messaging, team collaboration, alert escalation and more into one user-centric system. The solution also integrates with a facility’s electronic medical records (EMRs), allowing providers to exchange sensitive patient records in a secure, HIPAA-compliant fashion.

Real-Time Healthcare System

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OnPage is a reliable critical alerting platform, streamlining clinical workflows. It’s a 21st century HIPAA-compliant system, built with must-have capabilities and functionalities. But don’t take our word for it. Check out what our clients have to say!

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