Author: OnPage Corporation

November 29, 2016 | by OnPage Corporation
smart phones

OnPage secure messaging

OnPage is known for its alerting capabilities. A majority of our customers who are MSPs (managed service providers) for example, use OnPage to shoot out distinct alerts. They do this by setting up monitoring tools at their client’s end and this picks up abnormalities. OnPage, in this case, offers alert automation, but that’s not all … Continued

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November 29, 2016 | by OnPage Corporation
How to differentiate your MSP

Differentiate your MSP from the Competition

The habit of highly effective MSPs At OnPage, we spend a lot of time speaking to MSPs and learning about the growth in IT services. There is an increasing realization by businesses that having the right firewall, endpoint security and monitoring tools is not a job that small businesses can or should attempt to accomplish … Continued

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November 19, 2016 | by OnPage Corporation
cygnus image

Cygnus Systems Decreases Costs and Improves Response Time

OnPage facilitates Cygnus Systems’ growth of 25% per year through efficiency, cost reduction and improved response to critical alerts By using OnPage’s cloud-based, virtual paging app in conjunction with ConnectWise, Michigan-based MSP Cygnus Systems Inc. has grown faster than Plasticman. Through OnPage integration, Cygnus has been able improve its response time to critical IT alerts , grow … Continued

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November 18, 2016 | by OnPage Corporation

OnPage Ensures Advanced Network Products’ Alerts Are Heard

Incident Management Gets a Voice By using OnPage’s cloud-based, virtual paging app in conjunction with ConnectWise, Pennsylvania-based MSP Advanced Network Products (ANP) has been able to dramatically improve its response time to critical IT alerts and better manage SLAs. ANP’s biggest pain point prior to OnPage was hand-offs of after-hours alerting by the NOC team. … Continued

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November 16, 2016 | by OnPage Corporation
Tale of HIPAA Compliance

A Tale of HIPAA Compliance

How a physician’s request violated HIPAA Compliance Earlier this week we received an interesting request from one of our customers. The customer is a physician who faced the following issue in the OR: I am a physician who finds it inconvenient to constantly have to give the room circulator my pin number to see a … Continued

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November 15, 2016 | by OnPage Corporation
the new black

Critical Alerting Is the New Black

WHY CRITICAL ALERTING IS A MUST HAVE FOR INCIDENT RESPONSE TO BE EFFECTIVE At OnPage, we spend lots of time thinking about how to apprise people about the importance of critical IT alerting. So when our CEO Judit Sharon emailed me about an upcoming webinar from HIMSS entitled: Incident Response is the New Black – … Continued

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November 7, 2016 | by OnPage Corporation
devops fail

Why you need to fail to be great at DevOps

Seven steps to failure and greatness The more I read and learn about how to succeed in DevOps the more I realize how important failure is to the process. You need to fail to be great at DevOps. Netflix, for example, even takes it a step further by introducing failure into their testing process. In … Continued

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