What is Cyberattack Prevention? Cyberattack prevention involves proactive steps organizations take to protect their digital assets, networks, and systems from potential cyber threats. Preventive measures, such as a combination of best practices, policies, and technologies, are employed to identify and mitigate security breaches before they can cause significant damage. Methods and technologies for cyberattack prevention … Continued
What Are Incident Response Tools and Why Are They Important? Incident response tools are software applications or platforms designed to assist security teams in identifying, managing, and resolving cybersecurity incidents. Incident response is a crucial part of an organization’s cybersecurity strategy, making it possible to detect threats, analyze vulnerabilities, respond to attacks, and recover from … Continued
In any operation or activity, unforeseen happenings can derail progress. The job of a good manager is to try their best to make the hitherto unforeseen visible and planned for. It’s all too easy to find yourself reacting to occurrences that can throw you and the company into turmoil, with frantic fixing on the back … Continued
If you are a new IT professional or manage a young team of IT staff, you know it too well how intimidating it is to be assigned to an on call rotation for the first time. You might be asking yourself questions such as, “Will an outage or breach unfold? Will I sleep through an … Continued
IT infrastructure mapping is the process of creating a visual topology of a network infrastructure. This mapping process helps understand the geographic and interactive layout of a network, which applications depend on. Using infrastructure mapping for troubleshooting, you can quickly understand the relationship between application issues and hardware issues. An IT infrastructure diagram can contain … Continued
The adoption of electronic health record (EHR) systems has seen tremendous growth across geographies, especially in the US. According to American Hospital Association data shared by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology, over 93% of American hospitals are enabled by some form of EHR in their organization.      Implementing an EHR system … Continued
What is Zero Trust? Zero trust is a security model to help secure IT systems and environments. The core principle of this model is to never trust and always verify. It means never trusting devices by default, even those connected to a managed network or previously verified devices. Modern enterprise environments include networks consisting of … Continued
What Is a Secure SDLC? The Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) framework defines the entire process required to plan, design, build, release, maintain and update software applications, including the final stages of replacing and decommissioning an application when needed. A Secure SDLC (SSDLC) builds on this process, integrating security at all stages of the lifecycle. When … Continued
With cybersecurity boundaries going beyond the traditional walls of an office and attack surfaces constantly expanding, data breaches are inevitable. Managing risks from data breaches requires organizations to develop a comprehensive incident response plan – an established guideline that facilitates incident detection, response and containment, and empowers cybersecurity analysts to secure a company’s digital asset. … Continued
Forbes Technology Council Is an Invitation-Only Community for World-Class CIOs, CTOs and Technology Executives. WALTHAM, Mass., Feb. 25, 2022 — Judit Sharon, founder and CEO of OnPage Corporation, a Boston-based incident alert management and pager replacement company, has been accepted into Forbes Technology Council, an invitation-only community for world-class CIOs, CTOs and technology executives. Sharon was … Continued