Author: OnPage Corporation

July 17, 2018 | by OnPage Corporation
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True cost of breached patient data

 Data breaches highlights why we need secure messaging for doctors Statistics published by the Journal of Hospital Medicine in July 2017 show that despite the persistent campaign to educate the healthcare community about the problematic nature of pagers  and unsecured messaging, both continue to be popular technologies. According to the Journal: Almost 80% of clinicians continue to … Continued

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April 23, 2018 | by OnPage Corporation
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OnPage Launches BlastIT: Messaging for the Masses

Imagine you’re the manager for the IT Operations for a multimillion-dollar retail chain. The chain not only has numerous stores throughout the U.S. but also a robust online presence. Now imagine that you need to conduct security and software updates on the company’s servers. The update will end up disrupting store services for 30 minutes … Continued

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April 20, 2018 | by OnPage Corporation

Can MSPs add on Security?

More companies than ever are looking into means to secure their IT infrastructure. A recent PWC survey noted that two thirds of the 1,409 CEOs the company surveyed see more threats overall today than three years ago. As a result, the world is also seeing an emergence in Managed Security Service Providers (MSSP) to help … Continued

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April 3, 2018 | by OnPage Corporation
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British Doctors Try to Say Cheerio to Problems with Pagers

We have often written on this blog about problems with pagers, including how pager use causes significant privacy issues for the doctors who use them and the patients whose data is exchanged. We have described how pagers prevent physicians from being able to immediately contacting their colleagues while simultaneously hindering a virtuous workflow. Turns out … Continued

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March 29, 2018 | by OnPage Corporation
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OnPage Corporation Joins MSPAlliance

OnPage Corporation today announced that it has become a member of the MSPAlliance. MSPAlliance is the oldest Managed Services group and the only Accrediting and Standards based body created specifically for the Managed Services Industry. With over 30,000 corporate members worldwide, the MSPAlliance is a very powerful and influential global network of IT professionals. MSPAlliance … Continued

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March 27, 2018 | by OnPage Corporation
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Maintaining the Health of HCA’s Technology

Hospital Corporation of America uses OnPage to Increase IT Uptime Hospital Corporation of America (HCA) is a publicly held, for-profit operator of health care facilities across the United States and the United Kingdom. According to recent filings, HCA employs over 200,000 people and had profits of over $2.89 billion in 2016. A few years ago, however, when … Continued

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March 14, 2018 | by OnPage Corporation
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Improving healthcare collaboration through mobile platforms

How healthcare collaboration and communication make a difference Improving healthcare collaboration in the healthcare industry is vital in today’s complex world. The current state of care coordination is marked by operational inefficiencies that inhibit the streamlining of care. Given this reality, doing nothing to change the level of collaboration is perhaps the biggest risk to … Continued

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March 6, 2018 | by OnPage Corporation
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Pagers: Thank pop culture for your longevity

While pagers have been around since 1921, they didn’t hit their groove until the 1960s. At that time, they revolutionized the way physicians and nurses were able to receive and send messages. For the ensuing 30 years pagers continued to remain popular with those in healthcare and only in the 1990s did pager longevity extend … Continued

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