Author: OnPage Corporation

November 20, 2017 | by OnPage Corporation

How do I ensure BYOD security in healthcare?

At OnPage, we often see healthcare administrators pushing back against the use of personal smartphones. Administrators believe that enabling bring-your-own-device (BYOD) presents a security threat in healthcare.  Indeed, BYOD security in healthcare is challenging and leads to many questions. For example, many hospital administrators wonder how they can ensure that ePHI is not intercepted and … Continued

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November 14, 2017 | by OnPage Corporation
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Encryption and Healthcare Mobile Messaging

What’s so hard about the encryption of healthcare mobile messaging? Last week, I came across an interesting article on encryption and healthcare mobile messaging. The article pointed out that pointed out the need for mobile device security when practitioners exchange PHI. Apparently, the Office for Civil Rights (OCR) at the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) … Continued

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November 13, 2017 | by OnPage Corporation

Replace pagers. Improve physician accountability

Replace pagers with clinical communications platforms to improve physician accountability In a recent article written by Providence Community Health Center’s CMO, Dr. Andrew Saal wrote that his hospital needed to replace pagers to improve physician accountability. By using pagers, physicians had and continue to have a readily available crutch –  a crutch they could use … Continued

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November 10, 2017 | by OnPage Corporation
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Incident Response Management Plan Best Practices

An actionable incident response management plan for your IT teams An incident response management plan defines the posture and actions IT operations teams take in order to effectively respond to incidents impacting customer experience. Given that 90 percent of large businesses say they experience major IT incidents and IT downtime several times a year, one … Continued

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November 10, 2017 | by OnPage Corporation
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NoOps and the Need for Critical Alerting

NoOps eschews critical alerting at its own peril Many start-ups’ embrace serverless architectures such as AWS, believing they will be able to adopt NoOps and avoid the need for critical alerting and ITOps. NoOps means no worries about servers as everything is on the cloud and if there are no worries about servers then there is … Continued

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November 8, 2017 | by OnPage Corporation
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OnPage ensures physician accountability and HIPAA compliance for Providence Community Health Center

Client Spotlight: Providence Community Health Center The following article was written by Dr. Andrew Saal, Chief Medical Officer at Providence Community Health Centers in Providence, Rhode Island. For the last three decades, our physicians and practitioners have stayed in touch using state of the art technology from 1990. Luckily, not much has changed in the … Continued

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November 8, 2017 | by OnPage Corporation

OnPage’s Third Quarter Revenue Surpasses Growth Goals

OnPage experiences 30% year over year growth OnPage Corporation, the first-to-market Incident Alert Management Platform, today announced an over 30% year-over-year increase in revenue growth from its enterprise business. Since its start in 2011, OnPage has been consistently cash flow positive and today has over 30,000 customers worldwide.  These latest results come from OnPage’s growth … Continued

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November 7, 2017 | by OnPage Corporation

The UK also falls out of love with pagers

Pagers cost the UK’s Health System Millions This past September, the UK’s National Health Service (NHS) reported that by simply replacing pagers, they could save ÂŁ2.7 Million ($3.6 Million) per year. At present, the NHS spends almost ÂŁ6.6 Million ($8.7 Million) supporting the under-performing service and staff want the NHS to find alternatives. Shadow Communications … Continued

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November 6, 2017 | by OnPage Corporation

Alert Fatigue in Healthcare

4 Paths to minimize alert fatigue in healthcare While long an issue in IT, alert fatigue in healthcare has only recently been recognized as a significant issue. In healthcare, the term alert fatigue describes how busy workers become desensitized to safety alerts resulting from clinical decision support (CDS) systems or electronic health records (EHR) and … Continued

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November 2, 2017 | by OnPage Corporation
SKINNY HERO TEMPLATE it outage communications

Improving Incident Response Management

How to ensure proactive communications during an IT outage In the world of IT outages and IT operations, incident response management plays significantly into how quickly the issue is resolved. The cause of the outage could be the result of a network configuration change, software upgrade, scheduled maintenance, surge capacity failure or simply a code … Continued

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