
Healthcare Messaging and Interoperability
Interoperability – Something the industry can rally around Healthcare messaging applications and architectures are among the fastest growing areas of mobile health. At last month’s Health Care Messaging Conference, many providers were on display – including yours truly, OnPage. What was interesting about the conference was not just the range of providers – indeed there were … Continued
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33 new ConnectWise integrations to help MSPs
Security Dominates At IT Nation last month in Orlando, there were dozens of ConnectWise integrations on display. Indeed, the purpose of the conference was and is to bring together vendors who take part in the ConnectWise integration ecosystem and provide a platform where they can interact with the larger MSP community. There were also numerous … Continued
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How to create a service level agreement that helps retain customers
Measuring and analyzing workflows can streamline approaches to how a company manages its key processes. When it comes to managing a service desk, companies often want to streamline how they provide service to their customers. This could be in the form of answering customer requests or making sure requests get resolved correctly and in a … Continued
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OnPage’s plan to hack IT post mortem reporting
Blameless post-mortems allow us to examine mistakes in a way that focuses on the situational aspects of a failure’s mechanism and the decision-making process of individuals proximate to the failure. – The DevOps Handbook The engineers at Google describe post-mortem reporting as a “written record of an incident, its impact, the actions taken to mitigate … Continued
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OnPage Report: HIPAA Compliant Messaging Myths Dispelled
In 2016, almost 85% (1) of physicians and hospital personnel reported that they brought their personal smartphones to work. At the same time, Accellion (2) also reported that 68% of healthcare security breaches were due to the loss or theft of personal mobile devices or files. These two statistics have led some healthcare institutions to … Continued
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How to improve security with a HIPAA compliant messaging app
Hackers are naturally drawn to healthcare because there’s great value in healthcare data. If a credit card has been compromised, the bank can put a stop on the card. The value is gone. But you can’t do that with a medical record. Running in parallel with the trend of healthcare data theft is the fact … Continued
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OnPage Guide: How To Handle After Hours Support For MSPs
While after-hours support might be seen as overkill, you can’t live without it either. As soon as you remove it from your quote, you increase the chance of losing the deal. As such, after-hours service is a fact of life for most MSPs. While not the most pleasant aspect of the job, there are ways to … Continued
read moreForbes interviews with Judit Sharon
Voyage of entrepreneurship begins with understanding that flexibility trumps all Forbes interviews with Judit Sharon, OnPage’s CEO were authored by contributor Whitney Johnson. In the article, Whitney asks about OnPage’s evolution as a business as well as Judit’s evolution as a CEO. As the article notes, being CEO requires a commitment to being discovery-driven and … Continued
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3 essential MSP tools to get today!
Working in the managed services industry has probably left you with an impressive collection of tools filling up your “toolkit”. But if you have more tools than clients then it’s time for a review of the tools you need and the tools that add dead weight to your MSP toolkit. We asked our MSP customer base … Continued
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The Sleuth Journal reports on the importance of scheduling and alert management for on-call IT teams
The following is an excerpt form the Having an IT team on-call is very important to ensuring your company’s end product retains its high level of quality. Without this component, it would be considerably harder for the IT team to get the information they need when issues do arise. Additionally, it would also be … Continued
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