
October 26, 2017 | by OnPage Corporation
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OnPage releases updated version for the iPhone

Improved Functionality, Security and Workflow Professionals in IT and healthcare look to an application like OnPage’s critical alerting platform to ensure they are apprised of critical incidents no matter where they are. That’s why today OnPage is proud to announce its newest iPhone updates with v 5.1.8 which further enables practitioners to facilitate the resolution … Continued

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October 26, 2017 | by Shawn Lazarus

IT Nation 2017 – THE AFTER PARTY

Are you headed to IT NATION 2017? If you are, we have a treat for you! On November 8th, beginning at 9pm, we are co-hosting the only IT Nation after party that matters at the Blue Martini Lounge and YOU ARE INVITED! OnPage and our partners have rented out the Blue Martini Lounge which is … Continued

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October 25, 2017 | by Shawn Lazarus

5 Steps to better after-hours MSP support

The habits of highly effective MSP At OnPage, we spend a lot of time speaking to MSPs, providing MSP support and learning about the growth of IT services. There is an increasing realization by businesses that having the right firewall, endpoint security and monitoring tool is not a job that small businesses can or should attempt … Continued

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October 25, 2017 | by Shawn Lazarus
How Top Performing Organizations Manage IT Operations skinny

How to enhance monitoring tools through critical alerting

  IT professionals rely on monitoring tools to let them know about events such as serious outages, downed servers or viruses. Monitoring tools are designed to send emails through standard protocols when any of these serious events occur in the infrastructure. However, when you can learn about incidents through monitoring tools, there is very little … Continued

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October 25, 2017 | by OnPage Corporation

How secure clinical communications can reduce physician burnout

  On a typical chaotic hospital floor, the steady cacophony is deafening. Landlines ring. Overhead paging systems blurt out instructions. Physicians are using their pagers to arrange consults. A nurse is yelling out updates to the coverage schedule. Physician are on the phone discussing a patient’s treatment options. And in the midst of all this … Continued

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October 18, 2017 | by Shawn Lazarus
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Smartphones vs. Pagers: 5 Reasons Doctors Should Switch

  As healthcare becomes increasingly enmeshed in the digital world, it serves as an important question to ask why some doctors and officials are still wedded to pagers. Outside of medicine, there are few institutions as attached to pager technology. In medicine, about 85 percent of hospitals still rely on pagers for critical communications. Hospitals … Continued

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October 18, 2017 | by OnPage Corporation

How to Grow Your MSP

As an MSP, you understand your customers’ business challenges. However, to grow your MSP, you need to turn this understanding into profit. By realizing that customers need someone to own the responsibility for their IT infrastructure, cloud and alerting, MSPs can go quite far.  But how can MSPs turn this understanding into a way to … Continued

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October 11, 2017 | by OnPage Corporation
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Empower your NOC team

Three Ways to Empower NOC Team According to some sources, up to 80% of IT issues can be resolved by your NOC team. Your NOC is the company’s first line of defense against outages and IT irregularities. For most IT teams, the Network Operations Centers (NOC) support the computer network and infrastructure with the goal of maintaining … Continued

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October 6, 2017 | by Shawn Lazarus

OnPage at Gartner Symposium/ITxpo 2017

The OnPage team was at Orlando for the Gartner Symposium/ ITXpo this week to present the award winning Incident Alert Management Platform. The Gartner experience neatly encapsulated everything that OnPage is working towards; from the need for examining IoT ecosystems to disrupting industry norms to find new avenues for optimization. OnPage has always been at … Continued

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October 4, 2017 | by OnPage Corporation
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OnPage Announces PTC ThingWorx Integration at Gartner Symposium/ITxpo 2017

OnPage gives voice to data anomalies and outages and is now available on the ThingWorx Marketplace Today, OnPage, the leader in Incident Alert management, has announced that it has joined the PTC Partner Network as a technology partner in the ThingWorx Ready™ program. The program allows OnPage to validate its interoperability with the ThingWorx® platform and … Continued

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