
OnPage Trend Report: 5 MSP Productivity Strategies
Ask any MSP and they will tell you that maintaining and solving IT issues for their clients lends itself to busyness. However, studies show that being busy doesn’t always mean being productive. In fact, a recent study found that the U.S. economy suffers a nearly $1.3 trillion productivity loss each year. To determine where MSPs … Continued
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OnPage’s guide to ensure secure doctor patient communication
Since 2008, the data gathered from Hospital Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) has enabled hospital facilities to have a standard set of measures for reporting the overall level of patient satisfaction. The importance of tracking and understanding patient satisfaction should not be minimized as it is highly correlated with desired outcomes such … Continued
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WannaCry highlights need for secure healthcare communications
HCIC fails to ensure persistent communications According to a report in Healthcare Informatics, the biggest concern facing CIOs is their data being compromised. In the wake of the WannaCry worm, this is hardly surprising. When the WannaCry worm hit the UK’s national health service, many of the country’s hospitals were unable to perform routine visits … Continued
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Getting the most out of ChatOps through OnPage ChatOps Alerts
WHAT IS CHATOPS Chat is a method of communication that has become tremendously popular over the past several years alongside the growth of DevOps. ChatOps – chat plus ops – is meant to provide better communication among IT professionals, and the systems they use. One source referred to it as ‘conversation-driven development’ because it begins … Continued
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OnPage Guide: How To Digitize Your MSP Customer Service
Everyone wants a quick solution to their problem. Your clients are no different. In the world of service, it helps to think like your client when you have to deal with them. What they want is immediate technical support for a wide range of IT issues. They want fast and effective support that allows them … Continued
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OnPage’s 3 Steps to Mastering IT On-Call Scheduling
Almost half of all technology professionals experience on-call as an integral part of their job. The typical IT on-call schedule often spells a 2 am wake up call that ends in a false alarms or for an issue the engineer can do little about. The results of these sorts of sleep interruptions and tensions inevitably lead … Continued
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OnPage Trend Report: The Perfect MSP Toolkit
Working in the managed services industry has probably left you with an impressive collection of tools filling up your “toolkit”. But if you have more tools than clients then it’s time for a review of the tools you need and the tools that add dead weight to your MSP toolkit. We asked our MSP customer base … Continued
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OnPage’s 9 Questions to Ask Before Adopting Secure Text Messaging For Healthcare
Which secure texting solutions questions should you ask? A report from 2016 noted that as many as 90 percent of hospitals still use pagers. The reasons for continued use of pagers vary from hospital to hospital yet they boil down to the following three points: Cost – alternative technologies would be expensive Technology changes – … Continued
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At LiveWorx 2017, OnPage-ThingWorx Integration Gets Highlighted
By the year 2020, there will be over 50 billion devices connected to the internet on this planet. Devices ranging from healthcare to manufacturing will become obsolete if they cannot connect to other platforms in the field. Yet how can companies who desire to be part of the IoT revolution jump onto the connected bandwagon … Continued
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Moving from break-fix to managed services
MSP’s Guide To Happy Customers An MSPs’ ability to work effectively at their job depends on their technical expertise. However, their ability to ensure customer satisfaction is what will maintain current clients and win over future ones. Clearly, a successful MSP is more than just technical expertise. So, given this reality, MSPs need to be … Continued
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