
May 16, 2017 | by Shawn Lazarus
blog image template smart doctors use smartphones

Smart Doctors Use Smartphones

Why BYOD in healthcare is important Technology is ever-changing but in healthcare, the adoption of new technologies is often slow. One good example is demonstrated by healthcare’s use of smartphones over pagers. Eight years ago, only half of doctors used smartphones for work.Today, that number has grown to a healthy 84% which while more robust … Continued

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May 11, 2017 | by OnPage Corporation
HERO TEMPLATE 6 ways to improve

The 3 Ways to Improve IT Incident Management

The IT Incident Management Manifesto Effective IT incident management is concerned with deviations from, and threats to, the standard operation of services. During the course of time, even the best IT of department will experience incidents. How IT reacts to incidents is a key driver of  MTTR (mean time to repair) as well as customer … Continued

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May 10, 2017 | by Shawn Lazarus

The Incident Management Guide for MSPs

MSP service desks primarily work with tickets to ensure effective incident management. For example, if a service interruption occurs for an MSP’s client, a service ticket is created. Managing incidents for multiple accounts, however, is a challenge for MSPs. As such, MSPs need an incident management system to handle IT incidents from different clients under … Continued

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May 9, 2017 | by OnPage Corporation

How to solve healthcare’s on-call management problem

On-call management’s long tail At its best, on-call management in healthcare can be labeled as inefficient. Yet, on-call has a long tail. Poor communication starts with poor on-call hygiene which hinders subsequent communications. Physicians, nurses and other caregivers do not spend enough time communicating about the patient’s needs because they have difficulty reaching other clinicians and … Continued

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May 4, 2017 | by OnPage Corporation
HERO TEMPLATE alertign noise

Improve IT alert management

Reduce IT alert noise and improve productivity In IT Ops, monitors send alerts when thresholds are passed. Unfortunately, these thresholds are responsible for much of the excessive noise. In fact, organizations waste an average of $1.27 million every year responding to the noise of false alerts. Today, it’s no longer enough to simply get alerts. Ops teams … Continued

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May 3, 2017 | by Shawn Lazarus
The ConnectWise Incident Response banner

The ConnectWise Incident Response Guide

The ConnectWise Incident Response Guide A new survey of 2,400 IT and security professionals conducted by The Ponemon Institute on behalf of IBM finds 66 percent of respondents say their organization is not prepared to recover from cyberattacks. A growing trend is to let MSPs handle cyberattacks and other critical incidents. Those with experience have … Continued

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May 2, 2017 | by OnPage Corporation
the secret cost of pagers blog banner

Pager inefficiencies cost hospitals millions

Do you know how pager inefficiencies impact your hospital ? Hospital paging system use reached its zenith in 1994. While pager use has dropped in the ensuing 23 years, cellphone use by physicians has becomes near ubiquitous with recent findings showing that 91% of physicians owned a smartphone and 88% used their mobile devices frequently in the … Continued

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April 28, 2017 | by OnPage Corporation
impacts of texting

Seven reasons you should tackle insecure texting in healthcare

Risks of insecure texting in healthcare Many hospitals understand the limits of pagers in hindering communications. They see how pagers inhibit a robust communication system for the institution. As BYOD (bring your own device) increases in popularity, doctors are increasingly turning to texting as an easy way to communicate with one another and exchange patient information. … Continued

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April 21, 2017 | by Shawn Lazarus
spark critical alerting

How to enhance Cisco Spark with critical alerting

How do you get alerts in Cisco Spark? Verizon has called Cisco Spark Board the “next evolution in cloud-based collaboration.” At its core, Cisco Spark offers protocols for critical communications that enhance and expand beyond straightforward messaging. Cisco Spark is Cisco’s tool for enabling team based collaborations through the creation of virtual meeting rooms. Cisco … Continued

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April 21, 2017 | by OnPage Corporation
improve hospital workflow

Use Secure Messaging to Improve Your Hospital’s Workflow

Studying the impediments to effective hospital workflow is at the top of the agenda for many hospital administrators’ lists. This is because inefficiencies are costly. One of the major contributors to these inefficiencies is insecure text messaging. In fact, over $11 billion is wasted each year due to the inefficiency of pagers and the lack … Continued

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