
August 13, 2014 | by OnPage Corporation

COTS Relies on OnPage Priority Messaging

COTS – the Central Ohio Trauma System relied on the OnPage Priority Messaging Alerts System to a help disseminate accurate and timely situational awareness during the sub-zero temperatures of last winter’s Polar Vortex. And, it relies on OnPage today to help save lives whenever disaster strikes.  The Polar Vortex Threatens a Hospital Network In the winter … Continued

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July 31, 2014 | by OnPage Corporation

Internet of Things – Separating the Critical Data

There’s been a lot of hype about the Internet of Things – but what exactly is the “Internet of Things”, and how will the use and access of critical data affect your life?   The Internet of Things is simply the interconnection of computing devices that are connected to one another and to the Internet. … Continued

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July 29, 2014 | by OnPage Corporation

Pagers Cost Hospitals $1.75 Million in Inefficient Communications

Inefficient communications during critical clinical workflows such as patient admissions, emergency response team coordination, and patient transfers costs the average U.S. hospital about $1.75 million annually, according to a new report from the Ponemon Institute. The report finds that: A significant amount of time is wasted during these workflows due to the inefficiency of pagers … Continued

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July 25, 2014 | by OnPage Corporation

Remembering Pagers or “How to Say I Love You in Three 3’s”

When Pagers Were King. A couple of decades ago, in its heyday, pagers were unquestionably “The Next Big Thing” – a sleek, hi-tech, futuristic communication device. If you really needed to get in touch – send a page! The buzzing-vibrating sound was sure to get the attention of whoever you sent the page, and they … Continued

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July 24, 2014 | by OnPage Corporation

11 Technologies Obsolesced by Smartphones

The Smartphone Revolution is Here! Gone are Camcorders, Pagers and Remotes. Mpeg players, Pagers, and calculators have all been swept into the dustbin of technology and replaced by your smartphone. Today, smartphones can do just about everything these icons from yesteryear could, and much, much more. So, lighten your load. There’s no need to carry around … Continued

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July 22, 2014 | by OnPage Corporation

OnPage Secure Priority Messaging Celebrates Its 3rd Birthday

OnPage secure priority messaging system is celebrating its 3rd birthday this July. In 2013, OnPage grew its user base 100% over the previous year, and we are forecasting another 100% growth in 2014. Today, over a 1000 customers from industries including health care, energy, finance, government, hi-tech, and utilities are using OnPage for accurate, immediate, and … Continued

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June 9, 2014 | by OnPage Corporation

Physicians Are Embracing Mobile Health Apps

At least two-thirds of American physcians report using mobile health apps on smartphones while working according to a recent MedData Group survey. But almost two-thirds believe that a connected health care system is either more than five years away or simply will never happen. Are you a IT health care professional wondering how the health care and … Continued

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May 14, 2014 | by OnPage Corporation

Mass. Tech & Health Care Firms’ Trade Mission to Israel

Mass. technology and health care leaders will be heading to Israel, along with Gov. Deval Patrick, on an innovation partnership and trade mission. Gov. Patrick and members of the delegation are scheduled to visit companies and business organizations in the innovation economy sectors from May 27  to June 4, 2014. The group will make stops … Continued

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January 15, 2014 | by OnPage Corporation

OnPage Brings Reliable and Secure Paging to GNS Science

OnPage announced today that New Zealand’s GNS Science selected OnPage for all their critical communication needs. OnPage will provide GNS Science’s emergency response team the capability to send highly reliable and encrypted messages and alerts with a complete audit trail that automatically notifies the sender when a message was delivered, when it was actually read, … Continued

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December 4, 2013 | by OnPage Corporation

Minimize Server Downtime or Pay Thousands!

A recent study done by Ponemon Institute & Emerson Network Power shows that healthcare organizations face an average cost of $690,000 per outage incident. This comes as a 41 percent increase since 2010. The study also shows that larger groups with more extensive IT systems could pay our nearly as much as $1.74 million per … Continued

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