
November 16, 2023 | by Gilad Maayan
Yoast Focus Keyword

What is Vulnerability Management?

Vulnerability management is a critical aspect of a cybersecurity strategy. It refers to the systematic and ongoing process of identifying, classifying, prioritizing, and addressing security vulnerabilities in a network environment. This proactive approach to network security aims to minimize the risk of exploitation by attackers. Vulnerability management is about staying one step ahead of potential … Continued

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November 10, 2023 | by Ritika Bramhe
Yoast Focus Keyword

OnPage Releases Healthcare-Focused Slack Integration

Introduction In the healthcare realm, the need for communication platforms that meet HIPAA standards is undeniable. Enter Slack, a popular collaboration platform armed with robust security features. However, the real game-changer emerges through the integration with OnPage. This isn’t just an upgrade in collaboration; it’s a transformative shift in critical communication within healthcare—a field where … Continued

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November 6, 2023 | by Ritika Bramhe
Yoast Focus Keyword

The Journey Into Automation: Optimizing Care Delivery

Automation as the foundation for optimizing care delivery In a world where efficiency and precision are the cornerstones of progress, automation has become the unsung hero across diverse industries. From manufacturing floors to customer service, its transformative power has reshaped the way we work and deliver services. Within the healthcare sector, automation has left no … Continued

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October 27, 2023 | by OnPage Corporation
Yoast Focus Keyword

What Should Your System Outage Notifications Say?

System outages: they are an inevitable problem that every single IT team will encounter at some point.  Whether they come about due to technical issues, act-of-god natural disasters, or simply random human error, system outages happen to the best of us.  Though the cause of system outages is not always in your control, you can … Continued

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October 18, 2023 | by Ritika Bramhe
Yoast Focus Keyword

OnPage at Global Exchange Conference 2023

Excitement is buzzing through the halls of OnPage’s Boston headquarters, and rightly so. The team is gearing up for the much-anticipated in-person Global Exchange Conference 2023, and let me tell you, our office is a hive of activity right now— booth preparation, ordering booth fixtures and making crucial decisions about conference swags. 😉 As the … Continued

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October 17, 2023 | by OnPage Corporation
Yoast Focus Keyword

Kubernetes Incident Management: A Practical Guide

As more organizations embrace containerized applications, Kubernetes has emerged as the leading platform for orchestrating these containers. However, its complexity, combined with the inevitable reality of IT incidents, demands a well-defined strategy for managing disruptions.  This article introduces Kubernetes incident management, describes common Kubernetes errors, and provides practical guidance to efficiently handle incidents. By understanding … Continued

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October 9, 2023 | by Halle Katz
Yoast Focus Keyword

What is HCAHPS: A Comprehensive Overview

What is HCAHPS? In the realm of hospitals and healthcare organizations, the term “HCAHPS survey” is a recurrent presence: Hospital Administrator A: “The latest HCAHPS survey results just came out, and patients seem satisfied with…” Hospital Administrator B: “Some of our past patients participated in the HCAHPS survey, but they expressed disappointment with…” You might … Continued

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September 15, 2023 | by Gilad Maayan
Yoast Focus Keyword

What Is GitOps and Will It Eliminate Incident Management?

What Is Incident Management?  Incident management is a critical aspect of IT service management (ITSM) that revolves around restoring normal service operations as swiftly as possible after an unplanned interruption or reduction in quality. Also referred to as “incidents,” these interruptions could range from a minor issue like a single user being unable to access … Continued

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September 12, 2023 | by Halle Katz
I&O Automation

OnPage’s Automation in I&O Optimization Predictions (Inspired by Gartner® Hype Cycle™ for I&O Automation, 2023)

Introduction The release of the Gartner® Hype Cycle™ for I&O Automation, 2023 has inspired us here at OnPage to provide our insights on the latest trends in I&O optimization. In this blog, OnPage will predict the widespread adoption of technologies that can further automation efforts and thus contribute to I&O optimization. This blog focuses on … Continued

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September 7, 2023 | by Zoe Collins
Hospital Discharge

Hospital Discharge Best Practices

Best Practices for Hospital Discharge Processes Establishing an effective hospital discharge process is a crucial part of a patient’s stay and can significantly impact the success of their recovery. Patients, families, and subsequent care providers require a detailed education on continued treatment, aftercare processes, and required medications, to avoid any complications that may surface during … Continued

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