Category: Healthcare thought-leadership

January 2, 2017 | by OnPage Corporation
year in review 16

2016 – OnPage Year in Review

This past year has been one of great growth and performance for OnPage. We have added many features and integrations to the product, making 2016 an awesome year. We see these steps forward as the basis for future growth. Integrations BVoIP – BvoIP offers voice systems that advance the way teams communicate during critical situations. … Continued

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December 29, 2016 | by OnPage Corporation

OnPage brings critical communications to the smartphone age

Boston Business Journal writes: OnPage brings critical alerting to smartphone In an article published on December 27th, the Boston Business Journal published an article highlighting how OnPage has brought critical alerting to the modern age in healthcare. OnPage CEO Judit Sharon is quoted in the article as saying: “The change is really, really, really slow … Continued

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December 21, 2016 | by OnPage Corporation
antiquated banner banner

OnPage healthcare alerting

The 21st century solution to antiquated pagers We know that doctors have a love affair with their pagers but healthcare communication is seeing a shift away from pagers to smart phone based communication. OnPage is the fastest provider of critical messaging and alerting services via smartphone and is quickly being adopted by healthcare institutions who … Continued

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November 16, 2016 | by OnPage Corporation
Tale of HIPAA Compliance

A Tale of HIPAA Compliance

How a physician’s request violated HIPAA Compliance Earlier this week we received an interesting request from one of our customers. The customer is a physician who faced the following issue in the OR: I am a physician who finds it inconvenient to constantly have to give the room circulator my pin number to see a … Continued

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October 13, 2016 | by OnPage Corporation
Ditch the pager

Seven reasons why we need pager alternatives in healthcare

Pitch the pager or face the consequences While smartphones have become the manner of communication for most professionals, pagers are still used in many professions as the standard mode of communication. This choice for pagers comes with significant consequences and indeed many suggest the need for finding pager alternatives in healthcare. For example, pagers are not … Continued

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September 7, 2016 | by OnPage Corporation

OnPage uses Tropo to create bilingual office

Spanish-language phone tree facilitates after-hours at doctor’s office OnPage and Cisco Tropo bilingual capabilities Back in February of this year, OnPage announced its integration with Cisco’s Tropo technology.  Tropo’s cloud-based API platform enables OnPage to embed real-time communications within the OnPage critical alerting application through the use of voice commands.  Tropo makes it simple for OnPage’s … Continued

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July 17, 2015 | by OnPage Corporation

New! Dynamic Scheduler Software Update

OnPage Announces the Introduction of the Dynamic Scheduler Update to its Critical Messaging Software System. Enterprise users now have an intuitive, flexible and easy-to-use scheduling system that is able to handle the most complex employee, team and group calendar configurations. OnPage announced today the release of an improved version of the application and its alert … Continued

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February 5, 2015 | by OnPage Corporation

OnPage Brings Relief To A World Drowning In Alert Fatigue

Onset Technology, creator of OnPage®, announced the release of its new and improved system which combines prioritized messaging and casual messaging in one secure application.  OnPage addresses the need for time-sensitive messages to rise above the chatter by uniting Pager-Like alerting capabilities with conversationally rich casual messaging — all wrapped in a security layer.   The OnPage application, … Continued

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January 29, 2015 | by OnPage Corporation

OnPage Continuous Messaging for 2015

OnPage Priority Messaging announced the release, on Jan 29, 2015, of OnPage for 2015, a major new update that represents an evolution in mobile communications and  addresses customer requests for expanded features, capabilities, and settings in areas ranging from back and forth continuous messaging, on-call scheduling management, secure priority messaging, and notifications. OnPage for 2015  is … Continued

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