The healthcare industry is currently laden with pagers. The joke is that not even drug dealers use pagers any more. However, almost 80% of doctors do use pagers. The main problems with pagers is that they impede efficient clinical communications and lack security. Here are 6 ways to improve clinical communications: Improve clinical communications by embracing … Continued
Imagine you’re the manager for the IT Operations for a multimillion-dollar retail chain. The chain not only has numerous stores throughout the U.S. but also a robust online presence. Now imagine that you need to conduct security and software updates on the company’s servers. The update will end up disrupting store services for 30 minutes … Continued
We have often written on this blog about problems with pagers, including how pager use causes significant privacy issues for the doctors who use them and the patients whose data is exchanged. We have described how pagers prevent physicians from being able to immediately contacting their colleagues while simultaneously hindering a virtuous workflow. Turns out … Continued
How healthcare collaboration and communication make a difference Improving healthcare collaboration in the healthcare industry is vital in today’s complex world. The current state of care coordination is marked by operational inefficiencies that inhibit the streamlining of care. Given this reality, doing nothing to change the level of collaboration is perhaps the biggest risk to … Continued
While pagers have been around since 1921, they didn’t hit their groove until the 1960s. At that time, they revolutionized the way physicians and nurses were able to receive and send messages. For the ensuing 30 years pagers continued to remain popular with those in healthcare and only in the 1990s did pager longevity extend … Continued
Alberta Health Services (AHS) is Canada’s largest provincewide health system responsible for delivering health services to Alberta’s citizens and maintaining the health of the system’s over 108,000 employees. Occupational health is a significant issue for such a large workforce population, specifically when confronted with blood body fluid exposures (BBFE). AHS’s Workplace Health and Safety group … Continued
Why DR for HIPAA Compliance Cannot be an Afterthought In March 2016, a cyberattack was launched on MedStar Health, a healthcare chain in the DC area. The Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) actually investigated the incident. With the IT system inaccessible, MedStar Health simply decided to temporarily halt any admissions of patients to 250 outpatient … Continued
The healthcare industry is currently laden with pagers. The joke is that not even drug dealers use pagers any more. However, almost 80% of doctors do use pagers. The main problems with pagers is that they impede efficient clinical communications and lack security. How can clinicians and the hospitals they work for embark on improving … Continued
Written by Arianna Etemadieh, Inbound Marketing Specialist at Paubox Considering the usefulness of smartphones, it’s no surprise that many people rely on them. Whether it’s for checking emails, searching a quick inquiry or actually making a phone call, smartphones are out and about more often than not. With that said, wouldn’t it be convenient to … Continued
Answering services and HIPAA compliance Answering services are frequently used by doctors’ offices and practices to take down patient messages and send them over to the doctor at a later time. Often, this set up leads the answering service to either text back the doctor with the patient’s name and phone number. So, you might … Continued