Category: HIPAA secure messaging

March 22, 2017 | by Shawn Lazarus

Pager security in healthcare

The threats posed by unencrypted pagers We recently had a chance to interview Adam Greene, a lawyer in Washington D.C. with the firm Davis Wright Tremaine LLP. One of Adam’s most intriguing cases occurred in 2014 with a hospital client. This hospital’s doctors and staff used pagers to routinely communicate about a patient’s status or … Continued

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January 30, 2017 | by OnPage Corporation
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SAGE’s Telemedicine Embraces OnPage’s Critical Alerting

OnPage brings Secure Critical Messaging to Telemedicine SAGE Neurohospitalist Group began in 2012 when two neurologist recognized that there was a growing shortage of neurologists. This shortage was most acute in small towns and underserved communities. So, in a call back to the aphorism of “if the mountain won’t come to Mohammed …”,the SAGE’s founders … Continued

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January 19, 2017 | by OnPage Corporation
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How to improve healthcare BYOD and HIPAA compliance

Ensuring HIPAA compliance in the age of healthcare BYOD Healthcare organizations are experiencing a significant rise in Bring Your Own Device (BYOD). In fact, Becker Hospital Review research says that 85% of healthcare workers bring their own devices to work. Yet along with this rise in BYOD comes an increased vulnerability to being hacked. Mobile … Continued

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December 29, 2016 | by OnPage Corporation

OnPage brings critical communications to the smartphone age

Boston Business Journal writes: OnPage brings critical alerting to smartphone In an article published on December 27th, the Boston Business Journal published an article highlighting how OnPage has brought critical alerting to the modern age in healthcare. OnPage CEO Judit Sharon is quoted in the article as saying: “The change is really, really, really slow … Continued

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December 21, 2016 | by OnPage Corporation
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OnPage healthcare alerting

The 21st century solution to antiquated pagers We know that doctors have a love affair with their pagers but healthcare communication is seeing a shift away from pagers to smart phone based communication. OnPage is the fastest provider of critical messaging and alerting services via smartphone and is quickly being adopted by healthcare institutions who … Continued

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November 29, 2016 | by OnPage Corporation
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OnPage secure messaging

OnPage is known for its alerting capabilities. A majority of our customers who are MSPs (managed service providers) for example, use OnPage to shoot out distinct alerts. They do this by setting up monitoring tools at their client’s end and this picks up abnormalities. OnPage, in this case, offers alert automation, but that’s not all … Continued

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October 13, 2016 | by OnPage Corporation
Ditch the pager

Seven reasons why we need pager alternatives in healthcare

Pitch the pager or face the consequences While smartphones have become the manner of communication for most professionals, pagers are still used in many professions as the standard mode of communication. This choice for pagers comes with significant consequences and indeed many suggest the need for finding pager alternatives in healthcare. For example, pagers are not … Continued

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January 27, 2015 | by OnPage Corporation

Pager Service Disruption Worries Quebec’s Rural Communities

Telus announced that it is canceling its pager service across Canada, effective March 31, 2015. This is cause for worry amongst some residents of Quebec’s rural communities according to CBC News. Several anglophone coastline villages near Labrador, on Quebec’s Lower North Shore, do not have cellphone service. They rely on pagers to reach health-care workers … Continued

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October 28, 2014 | by OnPage Corporation

Ways Mobile Technology Can Enhance Nurse Communication

Nurses: The First Practitioners of mHealth Legions of caring nurses were probably the first practitioners of mobile health (mHealth), starting in the last century — the pre-smartphone era. Nurses often carried “beepers” or what is now considered antiquated pagers, a tool to aid nurse communication. Ways Mobile Technology Can Enhance Nurse Communication Today, there are … Continued

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July 22, 2014 | by OnPage Corporation

OnPage Secure Priority Messaging Celebrates Its 3rd Birthday

OnPage secure priority messaging system is celebrating its 3rd birthday this July. In 2013, OnPage grew its user base 100% over the previous year, and we are forecasting another 100% growth in 2014. Today, over a 1000 customers from industries including health care, energy, finance, government, hi-tech, and utilities are using OnPage for accurate, immediate, and … Continued

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