Category: IT Alerting

March 28, 2019 | by Christopher Gonzalez
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Advancing Autotask With Incident Alert Management Platforms

For MSPs, Datto’s Autotask PSA provides a powerful system, offering ticketing and project management capabilities. Though Autotask is an essential solution tool for MSPs and their teams, it becomes even better with an incident alert management platform integration. Now, if you’re curious to know how Autotask’s integration with incident alert management platforms work, you’re in … Continued

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January 29, 2019 | by Christopher Gonzalez

Improving MSP Incident Alert Management

As the big game approaches this Sunday, I’ve been thinking about the NFL’s introduction of instant replay and how it makes the league much more enjoyable! Whether you’re rooting for the Patriots led by Tom Brady … or the Rams, you can’t deny that instant replay makes every Super Bowl much more efficient and adds … Continued

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January 17, 2019 | by Christopher Gonzalez

Four Reasons to Use an Escalation Policy

Let’s set the scene – an IT professional just received a critical alert, notifying him of an urgent matter. Unfortunately, due to a distracting social event, this professional is completely unaware of the notification. Even worse, he receives incident alerts via email, a communication method which doesn’t have the ability to forward the alert to … Continued

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November 29, 2018 | by Shawn Lazarus

Reduce IT downtime with incident management

In the IT world, if a server can fail or traffic can overload the network – it will. And the consequences of downtime are significant. Many IT organizations face database, hardware, and software downtime that last short periods or can shut down the business for days. According to Gartner, the average cost of network downtime alone … Continued

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November 8, 2018 | by Shawn Lazarus
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Improving Hospital Workflow With OnPage Alerting

At many points in a hospital’s functioning, workflow touches the outcome. The problem facing much of healthcare though is that the established workflow for alerting and messaging physicians is broken. What are ways for improving scheduling doctors? What are the potential impacts from improvement? Improving hospital workflow is hindered due to poor on call scheduling Scheduling … Continued

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September 11, 2018 | by Christopher Gonzalez
0830 Blog MSPguideToHappyCustomers

An MSP’s Guide to Happy Customers

An MSP’s ability to do effective work depends on their technical expertise. However, their ability to ensure customer satisfaction is what really grows their business. This is because high levels of customer satisfaction retain current clients and win over future ones. Given this reality, MSPs need to be strategic about how they approach their work … Continued

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August 22, 2018 | by Christopher Gonzalez
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Completing IT Security With Critical Alerting

Businesses and organizations shouldn’t simply rely on monitoring tools for security management. Such tools don’t provide redundancies, time-stamped audit trails and other elements needed for incident resolution. Also, security threats are rampant and tend to go unchecked even with the most reliable monitoring service. That’s why companies require critical alerting to become aware of security … Continued

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June 28, 2018 | by

6 Things You Need in an IT Incident Management Platform

Your incident management process is greatly impacted by the tools you have available. And technology is key when it comes to gaining visibility and obtaining contextual data. You need tools to send alerts when incidents arise, as well as track activity for compliance reporting purposes. Whether you’re in healthcare, information technology or work at a … Continued

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January 17, 2018 | by OnPage Corporation

The State of Alerting in the IT Ops world

OnPage Corp. just finished a survey of more than 100 ITOps professionals from across the United States. Our goal was to acquire a greater understanding of how well engineers in the industry are performing when it comes to critical alerting and alert management of their IT teams. We wanted to understand the antecedents of alert … Continued

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