Working in the managed services industry has probably left you with an impressive collection of tools filling up your “toolkit”. But if you have more tools than clients then it’s time for a review of the tools you need and the tools that add dead weight to your MSP toolkit. We asked our MSP customer base … Continued
Unlike other environments where IT represents a business expense, managed service providers (MSPs) are in a unique position to make money by delivering managed IT services. This gives them a unique set of IT challenges and opportunities – including the chance to create additional revenue by strategically utilizing tools like ConnectWise and OnPage to solve … Continued
OnPage loves going to IT Nation every year and IT Nation 2017 was no different. We met hundreds of our MSP customers over the three-day period who made us feel the love. ConnectWise currently integrates with about 200 vendors and OnPage enjoys the privilege of being the only Incident Alert Management platform to have a … Continued
A new survey of 2,400 IT and security professionals conducted by The Ponemon Institute on behalf of IBM finds 66 percent of respondents say their organization is not prepared to recover from cyberattacks and other critical incidents. A growing trend is to let MSPs handle cyberattacks and other critical incidents. Those with experience have an … Continued
Cloud management for MSPs has become a huge opportunity. However, for many MSPs, cloud has become a mixed bag. Approximately 80% of an MSP ‘s customers are SMBs and many of them confuse Cloud and Saas and put them in the same grouping, assuming they need one when the other might be sufficient. This confusion … Continued
The habits of highly effective MSP At OnPage, we spend a lot of time speaking to MSPs, providing MSP support and learning about the growth of IT services. There is an increasing realization by businesses that having the right firewall, endpoint security and monitoring tool is not a job that small businesses can or should attempt … Continued
IT professionals rely on monitoring tools to let them know about events such as serious outages, downed servers or viruses. Monitoring tools are designed to send emails through standard protocols when any of these serious events occur in the infrastructure. However, when you can learn about incidents through monitoring tools, there is very little … Continued
As an MSP, you understand your customers’ business challenges. However, to grow your MSP, you need to turn this understanding into profit. By realizing that customers need someone to own the responsibility for their IT infrastructure, cloud and alerting, MSPs can go quite far. But how can MSPs turn this understanding into a way to … Continued
A new survey of 2,400 IT and security professionals conducted by The Ponemon Institute on behalf of IBM finds 66 percent of respondents say their organization is not prepared to recover from an IT outage. A growing trend is to let MSPs handle cyberattacks and other critical incidents that lead to an IT outage. Those … Continued
SaaS for MSPs SaaS for MSPs? Oftentimes, SaaS and MSPs are presented as competing solutions. Should an end user adopt a solution where they implement and manage multiple cloud-based softwares on their own? Should the company hire an MSP to manage their multiple SaaS deployments to maintain updates and integrations? In reality though, SaaS management … Continued