Category: Uncategorized

July 18, 2017 | by Shawn Lazarus

The OnPage API v2

WHAT’S IN API V2? The OnPage API v2 will enable developers and OnPage users to extend The OnPage Incident Alert Management Platform with ease. The new API v2 release supports: Message status callbacks Account status callbacks: PAGER_OFF, LOGGED_IN and LOGGED_OUT Information on whether the account is logged in WHEN IS API V2 AVAILABLE? The OnPage … Continued

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July 14, 2017 | by OnPage Corporation
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OnPage Introduces Intelligent Reporting for Actionable Insights

Healthcare and IT professionals can now improve work flow through intelligent reporting OnPage announces the addition of the OnPage Intelligent Reporting Engine. Managers and on-call professionals will now be able to see their teams through the lens of data visualizations and data summaries. With access to this information, users will gain insights into employee workloads, … Continued

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June 22, 2017 | by Shawn Lazarus

The OnPage Guide to IT Service Management

IT service management (ITSM) refers to the entirety of activities, processes and supporting procedures taken on by IT teams. These activities are performed by teams in order to plan, design, deliver, operate and control the information technology (IT) services offered to customers. In other words ITSM is the management of end to end IT services … Continued

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March 20, 2017 | by Shawn Lazarus
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OnPage + ConnectWise: Turning MSPs into superheroes!

A recent TechTarget article on MSPs noted that: “How efficiently MSPs are able to automate is one of the single biggest indicators of long-term success.” For MSPs who work with ConnectWise and OnPage, this realization comes as no surprise. OnPage has worked with ConnectWise for several years at this point. In conjunction, our tool sets … Continued

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March 14, 2017 | by OnPage Corporation
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Which MSP Best Practices do you follow?

MSP Best Practices to add to your offerings When you look in from the outside, it might appear that all MSPs are the same. And, indeed, much of what one MSP offers is rather similar to that which is offered by a competitor. As such, strong relationships between your MSP and client are very important … Continued

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March 14, 2017 | by Shawn Lazarus
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Seven Big Problems With Using Pagers in Healthcare

Pagers present a huge problem for healthcare. But, it’s not only us who feel that way. Many leading healthcare institutions have come to us to complain about missing pages, inefficient internal communications were. and lack of encryption. Here are a few pager related findings that illustrate the problem: Pagers cost over $1.7 M per year in lost productivity1 Many … Continued

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March 8, 2017 | by Shawn Lazarus
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OnPage is featured on ConnectWise Marketplace

  OnPage has worked with ConnectWise for several years at this point. In conjunction, our tool sets have created solutions for MSPs that enable them to solve a number of their burning issues. ConnectWise enables the creation and monitoring of tickets from numerous platforms. OnPage, in turn, provides the platform for them to create alerts … Continued

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February 27, 2017 | by Shawn Lazarus

OnPage at HIMSS 17!

OnPage attends HIMSS 17 to showcase our Incident Management and Critical Alerting platform. It was a great show and we will soon share with you our highlights from HIMSS 17 but before we do that we wanted to say thank you to the HIMSS 17 organizers and all the people who stopped by our booth. It … Continued

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