Evaluating Opsgenie Alternatives in 2024

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In today’s digital age, customer expectations are at an all-time high, with demands for instant support, flawless user experiences, and constant service availability. This environment of heightened expectations pushes organizations to innovate and streamline their operations continuously. Ensuring seamless service delivery hinges on the ability to detect and resolve issues swiftly, whether they are server crashes, software bugs, or unexpected outages.

The backbone of maintaining uninterrupted services lies in effective incident management. Monitoring tools identify disruptions, but it is the IT Service Alerting (ITSA) tools that drive rapid, targeted responses to high-severity incidents. Opsgenie is a well-known player in the ITSA market. However, recent reports of outages linked to its parent company, Atlassian, have cast a shadow over its reliability. This situation prompts a critical evaluation: is the integration with Atlassian’s suite worth potential reliability risks? As the reworked version of an adage goes, if an alert system fails during a crisis, can it be trusted at all? Because, the fact of the matter is that the reliability of your alerting tool is paramount in safeguarding uninterrupted service delivery.

In this article, we delve into the top alternatives to Opsgenie, each designed to efficiently alert on-call responders to critical incidents. We’ll be exploring the following tools::

Key Takeaways (TL;DR)
  • This blog discusses several alternatives to Opsgenie.
  • We compare vendors including OnPage, PagerDuty, Splunk On-Call, xMatters, and Datadog Incident Management.
  • While some vendors offer comparable solutions, they can be prohibitively expensive or overkill for the customer’s use case.
  • Additionally, signing up for an alerting tool from a tech behemoth can sometimes be costly, as these tools may be prioritized.
  • Given the critical nature of Incident Alert Management and On-Call solutions, vendors must have a track record of uptime, innovation and stellar customer service.


As we move into our list of alternatives, let’s give a fair shake to Opsgenie, understand what it brings to the table, and discuss why customers may want to seek other alternatives. Opsgenie is an incident management platform designed to ensure critical alerts are never missed. It enables teams to schedule on-call rotations, manage escalations, and quickly respond to incidents by notifying the right people at the right time. Opsgenie integrates with a variety of monitoring and collaboration tools, helping teams maintain the high-availability and reliability of their systems.

Below are some features of Opsgenie

  • Customizable alerting rules, escalations and on-call schedules to ensure the right people are notified
  • Detailed timeline to track incident activities and responses
  • Post-event reports to help teams improve processes
  • On-call scheduling to manage duties and rotations
  • API and webhooks to support custom integration

However, some users on Reddit have recently complained about integration issues with their observability platforms and an overall archaic feel to the system. There are also reports of cumbersome holiday overrides and the complexity of adding new people to the rotation, which can sometimes break existing setups. While it might be a relatively cheaper alternative considering it gets priced as a bundle if you’re an Atlassian shop, for maintaining the uptime of critical systems, it begs the question: Is the cost-saving worth the potential trade-offs in efficiency and reliability?

Opsgenie Alternatives


The first platform we would like to showcase is our solution, OnPage. OnPage enables teams to elevate critical incidents and deliver them reliably to the on-call technician. With OnPage, silos are broken down and collaboration between cross-functional teams is facilitated to speed up incident remediation. 

OnPage drives efficiencies in incident response workflows, alleviating tech burnout and alert fatigue.

Discussed below are some standout features that OnPage offers in addition to the basic on-call and incident alerting feature with customizable on-call schedules, routing rules and escalation policies: 

  • Contextual alerts: Adding context to an alert ensures the incident is actionable. By creating actionable alerts with detailed information, IT teams can positively impact their mean time to detection (MTTD) and mean time to resolution (MTTR).
  • Distinguishable alerts: Not all alerts are created equal or need the same level of attention. Some alerts are low priority and can be handled during normal business hours, while others are high priority and require an immediate incident response. Filter low-priority alerts so they do not wake up engineers overnight.
  • Keyword-based alerting: Trigger contextual, intelligent mobile alerts based on specific words found in tickets. If a string or word matches pre-set conditions, an OnPage alert is triggered and sent to the on-call responder. If conditions are not met, the on-call responder will not be disturbed.
  • Secure two-way messaging: OnPage’s alerting app enables engineers to securely message each other. Incident teams can enhance collaboration and break down silos without security concerns.
  • Digital scheduling: Use digital on-call schedules to create an equitable after-hours workload. Based on schedule configurations, OnPage will only alert the assigned or tasked on-call engineer.
  • Reporting insights: Post-incident reports provide insight into the IT team’s incident response performance. Detailed reports allow teams to re-strategize for future IT-related incidents and prevent recurrences.
  • Visibility into on-call schedules: Gain access to your schedules and your team’s schedules on the phone app.
  • 24/7/365 customer support: Gain 24/7/365 access to US-based customer support.


Let’s now move on to addressing the elephant in the room: pricing. The vendors discussed on this blog can’t match the value OnPage offers for the price. We’ve consistently delivered cutting-edge innovations without increasing our prices over the past five years. Unlike other vendors, OnPage maintains transparent pricing and subscription levels. You’ll never receive surprise invoices based on usage; what you agree to upfront is exactly what you’ll pay. Our pricing information can be found here: https://www.onpage.com/pricing/


Additionally, OnPage offers powerful and customizable integrations with Chat Applications (Teams and Slack), IT service management/ticketing solutions (like ConnectWise, ServiceNow, Autotask etc), Salesforce cloud solutions, Cybersecurity & Monitoring applications, and also supports SSOs and Active Directories (AD) from several vendors in the industry. The bi-directional integrations are not only continually updated to include the latest technology solutions, versions, and capabilities, but are fully supported by our technical support team.

Product Development

We also want to highlight that OnPage is known for its exceptional flexibility when it comes to development requests. Unlike many vendors in the market, we prioritize customer needs and are committed to making meaningful enhancements to our product. If a customer requires a feature that significantly improves their process, we make it a priority in our development pipeline. Rest assured, your requests won’t be ignored—they are thoroughly considered in our weekly product strategy meetings. As OnPage is central to our operations, we consistently update and enhance it, rather than simply fixing bugs and maintaining it as a revenue source.

We also frequently receive positive feedback from customers who have transitioned from solutions like Opsgenie, praising OnPage’s intuitive scheduling system. We assure our prospective clients that if you can navigate Outlook’s calendar, you’ll find OnPage easy to master.


xMatters is another prominent competitor in the larger enterprise incident management solutions market. xMatters offers a single platform for managing an organization’s response to any major event, from IT outages to natural disasters.

xMatters’ cloud-based solution integrates with existing IT infrastructure and applications, providing a unified view of all incidents across the enterprise.

Below are some features of xMatters:

  • Full range of capabilities for managing incidents, including instant alerts and notifications, escalation rules, collaboration tools for planning and executing response actions, and analytics for measuring performance against objectives.
  • Code-free workflow builder that can help automate key incident tasks.
  • Low-code workflows automate time-sensitive tasks and proactively manage incidents, driving innovation at full speed.
  • Post-incident reports to drive continuous learning while preventing recurrences.

While the low-code workflow is a great addition for large SRE organizations, it’s an overkill and an expensive proposition for IT organizations looking to simply automate their alert workflows and on-call management. Many customers who switched from xMatters to OnPage have also shared that while using xMatters, they often found it unclear where they were positioned in the escalation order during on-call shifts. Specifically, they were uncertain if they were the first, second, or third person to be contacted in the event of an escalation. With OnPage, they can now overcome this challenge through the mobile app which not only gives visibility into their schedules, but also into their escalation priority, helping them plan their day better.

Try OnPage for FREE! Request an enterprise free trial.


PagerDuty is an alarm aggregation and dispatching service for support teams. With PagerDuty, teams are able to aggregate alerts from monitoring tools, cybersecurity solutions and cloud solutions on a single dashboard. They gain a single pane of glass view into all their incidents and have the ability to alert the right on-duty engineer when a high-priority incident is detected.

Below are some features of PagerDuty:

  • On-call management and incident alerting with customizable schedules, routing rules and escalation policies.
  • Support Runbooks to automate common incident response tasks, actions and processes.
  • Provides real-time collaboration for incident response
  • Detailed reports on incidents, response times and team performance.
  • Popular integrations with tech tools, but doesn’t support ConnectWise

Similar to other competitors, it has all the other basic features needed to respond to an incident. 

Objectively speaking, Runbook Automation is a key feature that distinguishes PagerDuty from the rest. With Runbook Automation, cloud operation teams can safely push automated IT workflows, eliminating repetitive, toil work. Requests can be resolved in minutes by delegating self-service task automation for cloud platforms to stakeholders. This allows cloud teams to focus on delivering value rather than wasting time on less productive tasks, such as closing tickets and fulfilling cloud requests.

However, it’s impossible to overlook that a major component and basic requirement of any incident alerting solution—the on-call scheduler—seems to be less intuitive and user-friendly. The other issue with their scheduler is that it doesn’t start out as “Full”. This means that when a scheduler is populated incorrectly, the team may run into situations where incidents remain unanswered. We’ve also recently discovered through conversations with a prospect trying to switch from Pagerduty that it lacks the ability to send attachments like images, PDFs, or voice recordings with alerts. PagerDuty also doesn’t support a bi-directional integration with ConnectWisse, a key ticketing tool used by Managed IT service providers. As for pricing, it’s widely known how costs can quickly escalate with PagerDuty—an issue frequently discussed by their customers on Reddit. 

Splunk On-Call

Splunk automates key processes to reduce time taken to acknowledge and resolve incidents. With Splunk, incidents can be delivered to the right person based on their expertise. The tool also allows to streamline on-call schedules and escalation policies.

Below are some features of Splunk On-Call/ VictorOps

  • Splunk on-call uses machine learning to recommend responders and identify similar incidents, helping teams have the right people and information to remediate incidents.
  • The Rule Engine adds further context to incidents by adding resources such as runbook, articles and dashboard, to accelerate incident resolution. 

However, on-call management isn’t Splunk’s core focus and hasn’t seen major development since its acquisition. Additionally, support tickets can sometimes get lost in the labyrinth of a large company, making it challenging to get timely and personalized support.

Datadog Incident Management

Datadog Incident Management is an integrated solution designed to help teams resolve incidents quickly and efficiently. Built on Datadog’s comprehensive monitoring and observability platform, it offers a seamless experience for managing incidents from detection to resolution.

Below are some features of Datadog Incident Management

  • Declare incident directly from a graph, monitor, security signal or from the incidents page.
  • Single pane for tracking all active incidents
  • Correlated logs, metrics and traces to identify root causes
  • Integration with Slack to collaborate with key responders

The application was launched in August 2020 and lacks the social proof that most other platforms bring with them. Additionally, the app’s paging capabilities seem rudimentary based on publicly available information. A recurring theme in feedback about Datadog is that their products are overpriced relative to the value they bring to the table. While Datadog’s on-call platform is still in beta and there’s no pricing information available on their website, it’s likely their existing premium pricing model will apply to the on-call platform.

Try OnPage for FREE! Request an enterprise free trial.


We’ve demonstrated the value of adding incident response tools to one’s tech stack in order to keep their digital estate running smoothly. Now, while xMatters offers powerful features and capabilities, there are several other powerful alternatives that should be evaluated. They all offer  unique benefits and may be best suited to deliver value in certain use cases.     testimonial band for blogs


What factors should I consider when choosing an alternative to Opsgenie?
When evaluating alternatives to Opsgenie, consider factors such as reliability, integration capabilities, ease of use, pricing, customer support, and specific features like on-call scheduling, escalation policies, and incident reporting. Assessing how well each tool aligns with your organization’s needs and existing workflows is crucial.
How does OnPage compare to Opsgenie in terms of pricing and features?
OnPage offers transparent pricing without surprise invoices based on usage, consistently delivering innovations without increasing costs over the past five years. Feature-wise, OnPage includes contextual alerts, keyword-based alerting, secure two-way messaging, digital scheduling, and 24/7 customer support. It is designed to alleviate tech burnout and alert fatigue, facilitating efficient incident response workflows.
What are the unique features of OnPage that might make it a better choice over Opsgenie?
OnPage offers several unique features such as keyword-based alerting, which triggers contextual alerts based on specific words found in tickets, integrations with several popular tools, several alerting channels, including push, SMS, email, voice and Teams/Slack, override DND capabilities on mobile, and secure two-way messaging for enhanced collaboration. Additionally, OnPage provides visibility into on-call schedules through its mobile app. More importantly, OnPage offers 24/7/365 US-based customer support, including live chat support on their website. OnPage also includes reporting insights to help teams improve their incident response performance.
Are there any open source alternatives to Opsgenie or any other alerting system and on-call management out there?
Open-source alerting software, while cost-effective and flexible, often comes with drawbacks such as limited support, fewer features, and integration challenges. Users may face a steeper learning curve due to less polished user interfaces and more complex setup processes. Additionally, maintaining security, scalability, and compliance can be challenging without the dedicated resources and guarantees provided by commercial vendors. Ultimately, the hidden costs of implementation, customization, and ongoing maintenance can add up, making it less suitable for organizations lacking technical expertise or sufficient resources.
