Leading Global Insurance and Investment Company Chooses OnPage

On November 12, 2014, Onset Technology, creator of OnPage Priority Messaging® announced that one of the world’s largest insurance and investment companies has chosen OnPage to help prioritize time-sensitive messaging within the organization.
The insurance and investment company has been partnering with individuals, families and businesses, as advisors, accountants, and service agents for over 100 years and offering them a solid financial foundation, a secure financial future, and peace of mind.
Judit Sharon, CEO of Onset Technology, said “We are delighted to have this corporate giant, with assets exceeding $100 billion, entrust their priority, time-sensitive communications to OnPage. They tested our product against their email to SMS system over a large array of metrics and found OnPage to be superior. We are proud to be their solution of choice.”
“We have a significant amount of alerting going on that is email based…from pretty much ever system in our environment: Unix, Linux, mainframe, and appliances. However, we found that using Pager Gateway and Email to SMS were both flakey and unreliable. We were looking for something where we could get a guaranteed response or conformation. That’s why we looked at OnPage, because it offered that functionality and much more.”
“From an IT perspective, key people in the organization needed to be notified about critical events, alert and IT monitoring management. They needed an alert system to know what’s happening. Having direct visibility to the user (with OnPage), and having the confirmation from the user, and the confirmation of acknowledgement were two key components.”
– said an IT professional with the insurance and investment company.
“Using OnPage, this progressive, forward thinking insurance and investment company is now bringing the same level of innovation to address its communication needs as it did to the insurance industry over a century ago,” says Judit Sharon, CEO of Onset Technology. “Ultimately, OnPage will help ensure that their time-sensitive messages get to the right person at the right time – right now.”