Communication in Dialysis Centers

A team of medical professionals, including nephrologists, nurses, dietitians, and social workers, staff renal care and dialysis centers with the objective of helping patients manage their conditions and minimize complications.

Since multiple providers provide care for dialysis patients along the patient journey, a complex web of communication is created and information silos are built, increasing the risks of adverse events if not managed properly.

To promote optimal care and treatment for patients, dialysis centers must establish a seamless communication channel that enables secure information sharing, role-based messaging, critical alert management, and consultation requests, ultimately allowing for streamlined and frictionless communication.

On-Call Doctor Receiving an OnPage Alert to their mobile device based on the on-call schedule





Communication Issues in Dialysis Centers 

Dialysis centers and renal care facilities worldwide continue to face several challenges despite the widespread acknowledgment that critical communication and collaboration are essential for optimal patient care in healthcare. These challenges include:

Broken communication due to archaic communication technologies, such as pagers, or even texting applications that can’t integrate with the larger healthcare ecosystem.

Communication silos caused by disjointed healthcare systems that don’t talk to each other, leading to fragmented care.

Alert fatigue due to notification overload and inequitable workloads

Lack of visibility into who’s oncall, who’s the specialist in charge, etc.

Lack of visibility into message read/delivery status

All of these lead to delays in diagnosis or treatment, which can lead to negative health outcomes and increased healthcare costs. Hospitals may also see consequences to their HCAHPS score as one of the survey questions asks patients to rate their hospital on care coordination.

OnPage Is Designed for Dialysis Centers

The OnPage clinical communication and collaboration (CC&C) system is powered by a HIPAA-compliant mobile application and an intuitive web management console. OnPage enables care providers at dialysis centers to cut through communication silos and collaborate with the right team members instantly on their phones.
product solution

Key features and capabilities:

  • Persistent, high-priority mobile alerts bypass the mute switch
  • Fail-safe on-call schedules for better response team management and to minimize human error
  • User presence statuses and audit trails with SENT, DELIVERED and READ receipts
  • Real-time, two-way mobile messaging without limitation to location

  • Secure file attachments for better situational awareness
  • Escalation policies to notify the next person in line when needed
  • Dispatch messages to groups to facilitate coordinated care delivery
  • Role-based messaging to eliminate the need to know the exact contact information




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