Tag: news

March 8, 2017 | by Shawn Lazarus
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OnPage is featured on ConnectWise Marketplace

  OnPage has worked with ConnectWise for several years at this point. In conjunction, our tool sets have created solutions for MSPs that enable them to solve a number of their burning issues. ConnectWise enables the creation and monitoring of tickets from numerous platforms. OnPage, in turn, provides the platform for them to create alerts … Continued

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March 7, 2017 | by Shawn Lazarus

OnPage Ranks No. 1 for Mobile Healthcare Communications

At last month’s HIMSS17 conference in Orlando, Florida, OnPage Corporation received an award for the top-ranked Mobile Healthcare Communications platform. For the first time, OnPage Corporation has been named the top-ranked Mobile Healthcare Communications platform for the healthcare industry by Black Book Research. The award was given at the HIMSS17 Conference in Orlando, Florida in … Continued

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