At last month’s HIMSS17 conference in Orlando, Florida, OnPage Corporation received an award for the top-ranked Mobile Healthcare Communications platform. For the first time, OnPage Corporation has been named the top-ranked Mobile Healthcare Communications platform for the healthcare industry by Black Book Research. The award was given at the HIMSS17 Conference in Orlando, Florida in … Continued
Vodafone made news this week for selling its pager business to Capita making the latter the only service provider for the much loved but antiquated pagers in Britain. Pager users are moving towards smartphones and the infrastructure supporting pagers is diminishing. It only makes sense to make the change now. OnPage is here to offer … Continued
We at OnPage received an interesting request for Sarah Carter a 5th year Ph.D. in the clinical psychology program at George Mason. Her focus of study is on PTSD, stress, suicide, military couples and social support. Given the importance of Sarah’s subject matter and the critical need for better mental health services in the Army, OnPage gave … Continued
SAGE NeuroHospitalist is a privately held California-based company that provides rural clinics with neurological services through telemedicine. SAGE currently employs 15 physicians and works with 30 hospitals in small towns in California, Arizona, and Nevada. They provide coverage to rural hospitals in their network 24/7, 365 days per year. Adopting our clinical communications app for … Continued
OnPage brings Secure Critical Messaging to Telemedicine SAGE Neurohospitalist Group began in 2012 when two neurologist recognized that there was a growing shortage of neurologists. This shortage was most acute in small towns and underserved communities. So, in a call back to the aphorism of “if the mountain won’t come to Mohammed …”,the SAGE’s founders … Continued
Why pager replacement is still an issue OnPage has what some might call a “hate/hate” relationship with pagers. Not much room for love. As we see it, pagers are an antiquated bit of technology. Pagers are dinosaurs which, like most dinosaurs, should be extinct by now. You might be wondering why we’re at it again … Continued
The 21st century solution to antiquated pagers We know that doctors have a love affair with their pagers but healthcare communication is seeing a shift away from pagers to smart phone based communication. OnPage is the fastest provider of critical messaging and alerting services via smartphone and is quickly being adopted by healthcare institutions who … Continued
OnPage is known for its alerting capabilities. A majority of our customers who are MSPs (managed service providers) for example, use OnPage to shoot out distinct alerts. They do this by setting up monitoring tools at their client’s end and this picks up abnormalities. OnPage, in this case, offers alert automation, but that’s not all … Continued
Pitch the pager or face the consequences While smartphones have become the manner of communication for most professionals, pagers are still used in many professions as the standard mode of communication. This choice for pagers comes with significant consequences and indeed many suggest the need for finding pager alternatives in healthcare. For example, pagers are not … Continued
HIPAA Violations are only the beginning If you’re a healthcare professional you probably use pagers to communicate with your office and with others in your practice. But did you know that using a pager could cost your office $650K for a HIPAA violation? That seems like a lot of money to spend for the liberty … Continued